Beauty and serenity is all around us, it lies in the forgotten, the hidden and the ignored - we
must look in the shadows and search if we are to be truly at ease in this world. Carly Johnson

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Second & Third Upcycled Xmas Presents Finished!!

Inspiration took hold of me a while back: whilst hunting through my local charity shops I'm amazed at just how many perfectly good books are donated.  I've always joked with my parents that they could always use them as firewood but on closer inspection some of them are truly beautiful.  From the dusty antique ones to the quirky titled ones, and from the picturesque covers to those with an 'in', the list of possibilities are endless. 

One perfect way to upcycle a favorite book is to turn it into a clock.  Having never attempted this before I sat down with a pencil, a ruler and a craft knife and set to work.  It took me the entire evening to finish it - mainly because I made so many mistakes along the way - even the crooked neck was worth it when I saw the final product.  Xmas present for my sister-in-law: she loves cookbooks and she's just had her new kitchen finished.

My favourite to date of the books I have scavenged has been this 1951 first edition book by Lloyd Morris entitled Incredible New York. Not only is the subject just perfect for my childhood best friend (and godmother to both of my children) due to an absolutely hilarious and calamitous escapade when she was younger, but the antique nature of the cover gives it an olde-worlde feel - perfect for her living room which is full of warmth, woods and texture. 

I keep forgetting to take photos as I go along - I promise I will on the next one and then I can post a tutorial - you shouldn't have to wait too long either - I've plenty to make before Christmas comes round!


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