A vintage tin.....
but what is inside?
A spotted mustard tie-wrap watch with matching mustard pashmina!
My neice is 13 and VERY trendy so what do you give a young fashionista who has everything already? Never mind keeping up with the Jonses...let the Jonses keep up with you! The watch strap used to be a mans tie and the watch face used to be a watch (obviously) with plain old tired straps - now its a funky tie-wrap watch (and yes I made myself one first - for test purposes only of course *wink wink*). The pashmina was thrifted "as new" (it still has its original tags on!) and the tin was a tin but its an old and battered unloved one - it was slightly rusty dusty inside so I lined it with snipers tape, which is basically just a stickybacked fabric in fat-ribbon form - the watch holder is just a cut up kitchen towel roll stuffed with newspaper and covered with snipers tape. I rolled the pashmina up and placed the watch in the centre - et voilĂ !!
I'd be interested to know what was originally inside the tin so if anyone knows feel free to leave a comment below
I get so many great ideas from you. I love tins, because I bake in them. They are getting more difficult to find these days as plastic is so prevalent. Hope your "School fund-raising" project is coming along well.